Saturday, August 7, 2010


NEVER AGAIN will I live in an apartment with a spiral staircase! My parents just finished helping me move out of my Austin apartment, and now it's on to bigger and greater AFRICA! Staging is scheduled for Monday, August 9th, in Philadelphia, and my fellow PCT (Peace Corps Trainees) and I officially fly out of the United States on Tuesday! Such a mix of emotions as I sit on the floor in my empty room packing the rest of my belongings to leave.  We are told to "rid our minds of all expectations." Uhh, pretty easy for me since I have NO idea what I'm getting myself into! But this should be fun.  And DEFINITELY a worthwhile experience.  I will try to update this blog as often as possible but I have no clue when I will have internet access throughout my time in Africa.  (27 months is unfathomable to me at the moment!) So, I hope you all enjoy the ridiculousness that is to come.  I know I can't wait.  smell ya later Texas, and HELLO UGANNNNDAAAAA!

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